Data: Exploring business in the UK 🇬🇧

These are the items used for the main article. This is hosted on github so feel free to inspect this for your own analysis. Feedback is always welcome.

1. What data sets does this article use?
2. What libraries are used here?
3. What did I learn when making this?

What data sets does this article use?

This article makes use of the following data. I've tried to make use of the most recent items but in the time you are reading this new data may have been published.

A lot of the data comes from the ONS and there are lots more data sets out there. If you come across something else interesting do let me know..

Source Dataset Link
NOMIS UK Business counts Source
BEIS Business population estimates 2019 Source
ONS UK business: activity, size and location Source
ONS Business demography, UK Source
ONS UK SIC 2007 Source
Facebook Future of Business Survey Source
ONS Exporters and importers by industry breakdown (Annual Business Survey) Source
ONS Annual Population Survey estimates by region Source
ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings time series of selected estimates Source
ONS Foreign direct investment involving UK companies: inward Source
ONS Regional labour productivity, including industry by region, UK: 2018 Source

Throughout the article the difference between IDBR related data and estimated data is referenced. The chart below tries to highlight visually the differences, for more on the guidance this guide offers a good overview.

What libraries are used here?

This article makes use of the following libraries.

Type Name Link
CSS Skeleton Source
Chart Google Charts Source
Chart Chart JS Source
Chart Apex Charts Source
Maps Atlist Source

What did I learn when making this?

Aside from the main points, I also picked up these reflections:

That's it, thanks for reading. If you have any feedback, requests for future articles or thoughts please do share it with me.

You can follow me on twitter @logikblok or, if you liked this, you could buy me a coffee. Other sketches